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Why Study Mathematical Sciences, Applied Math at Montana Tech?

Prepare for in-demand, high-paying careers in business, industry, or government with the applied mathematics degree at Montana Tech. You’ll learn from faculty who are dedicated teachers as well as active researchers. They’re also approachable and accessible and will go out of their way to make sure you acquire the knowledge, skills, and experience for applied mathematics jobs.

Your professors will meet with you early and often to help you solidify your area of interest in applied mathematics and connect you with hands-on learning opportunities, such as research and internships. This focused, personalized attention will ensure you graduate with the experience to land—and succeed—in applied mathematics jobs in the future.

Gain hands-on experience in applied mathematics

From working on faculty-led research projects in applied mathematics to internships at places such as government agencies and software companies, you’ll have plenty of hands-on opportunities to gain experience and to know which applied mathematics jobs are for you—before you graduate. You’ll also have opportunities to present your impressive research at Montana Tech Techxpo and at national and international conferences, such as the Pacific Inland Mathematics Undergraduate Conference (PiMUC) in Spokane, Washington.

Focus on your applied mathematics career from Day 1

From helping you to identify your area of interest in applied mathematics to working closely with Career Services so you never miss out on internships and other practical learning experiences, we always have your future career front of mind at Montana Tech. We’ll help you focus your interests so that you’re highly marketable for applied mathematics jobs and prepared to thrive in your career.

Cross-Disciplinary Opportunities

The faculty in mathematics are well connected at Montana Tech so you’ll have opportunities to collaborate with students and faculty in other departments and work in a variety of facilities on campus. For example, students in mathematics may analyze data collected by biology students.

Rhodes & Goldwater Scholarships

Montana Tech students in mathematics are consistently nominated for the prestigious Rhodes and Goldwater Scholarships. These scholarships are the preeminent awards for undergraduate students.

Spectacular Location

Montana Tech’s location in Butte offers you numerous recreational opportunities, such as hiking and fishing, while earning your bachelor’s degree in mathematics. Butte is centrally located in Montana, giving you access to internships in Bozeman, Helena, and Missoula.

Strong Career Outcomes

See our outcomes.

Hands-On Learning Environment
Tradition of Goldwater Nominations
Meet Dr. Hilary Risser
Dr. Hilary Risser is the Head of the Mathematics Department at Montana Tech. See how Dr. Risser makes a difference in the lives of her students and the greater Butte community.
21% Job Growth by 2024
Engaged Faculty with Experience & Expertise
$96,280 median annual salary

For mathematicians and statisticians, 2021

What is Applied Mathematics?

Applied mathematics is the area of the mathematics field that solves problems in disciplines ranging from science to engineering, industry to technology, and to society at large. Applied mathematicians apply mathematical knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems and achieve practical results. Applied mathematics is ideal for you if you have an aptitude for math, like to solve puzzles, have an insatiable curiosity, and thrive in a collaborative environment.

What Kinds of Jobs do Graduates of Applied Mathematics Get?

The Montana Tech Mathematics Department prepares students for in-demand, high-paying careers. Mathematics is not only one of the most in-demand areas in education, but a degree in mathematical sciences also gives students options for compelling career possibilities across the spectrum, including the federal government and in private science and engineering research companies. Graduates may find themselves working on medical research teams, or with engineers, research firms, scientists, and other professionals. They often make some of the best salaries in the nation.

Explore Classes for Applied Mathematics Majors

As early as fall semester of your first year, you’ll take math courses, starting with Calculus. Course highlights include Programming, Computational Thinking, and Mathematical Modeling. You’ll also have many elective courses to choose from. Many applied mathematics majors strengthen their math degrees and expand their career options by choosing to double major in subjects such as engineeringchemistrybiology, and data science.

Learn More About Mathematical Sciences at Montana Tech
Math Department

Meet faculty, explore our research expertise, and more.

Transfer to Tech

To transfer, you must be a high school graduate and have earned more than 12 college credits.

Catalog Details

Get semester-by-semester information about our mathematical sciences degree.

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Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Hilary Risser
Department Head, Professor