Tom Waring - Department of Environmental Engineering
Professor Emeritus
Growing up on a farm in rural northwest Pennsylvania allowed Tom Waring to experience the connections between people and their environment and to appreciate the dependence and ties that we all have to the land. Because he always wanted to teach, he attended a small state teachers college and then continued at the University of Pittsburgh. After college, Tom moved to Michigan and worked for the Detroit Edison Company for five years to gain some "real world" experience and pay off college debts before starting his teaching career. Today, his classroom discussions and assignments revolve around understanding and working with the issues (technical, legal, ethical, social, human) surrounding our interaction with and dependence upon our environment. Tom's love of the land has not diminished and Montana is a great place to develop a full appreciation of ones connectivity to the earth!
Ph.D. Environmental Biology (Ecology)—University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 1970.
B.A. Biology—Clarion State College, Clarion, PA 1966.
Positions Held
Professor Vice President for Academic Affairs & Research 1991-1997
Dean of Environmental Engineering and Natural Sciences Division 1988-1990
Environmental Engineering Department Head 1979-1988
Professor 1979-1990
Associate Professor 1974-1979
Courses Taught
Applied Environmental Biology
Biology & Man
Environmental Impact Statements
Environmental Issues
Environmental Law
Environmental Sanitation
Environmental Industrial Hygiene
Land Reclamation
Science of Biology
Water Quality Engineering
Environmental Scientist, Engineering Research Department, Detroit Edison Power Company, Detroit, MI (1969-1974).
Consulting, Patents, Etc.
1975-1998 Environmental consultant and lecturer on many projects in the Western states and abroad. Activities include evaluation and reduction of impact from specific projects on air, water, soils and land use to broad based program analysis covering impacts, remediation, and alternatives.