Montana Tech Hosts 5th Annual CareerSmart Fair

The 5th Annual CareerSmart Fair will be held on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 in the Montana Tech Student Union Building. Open to current students and alumni, the fair runs from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30p.m. “We’re very excited at the number and the growing diversity of recruiters who will be attending this event,” said Career Services Director Sarah Raymond. “Initial indications point to another great fair and we look to this as a real opportunity for our students in terms of internships, summer and full-time employment.”

Montana Tech students continue to be highly recruited by a wide variety of companies from across the country.  This is due to the excellent education and reputed work ethic.  The recruiters will be representing healthcare, business, and the military, as well as many of the familiar engineering career paths.

Students and alumni interested in participating must register through their DIGGERecruiting accounts.  Continual updating of their information is most important, as recruiting announcements, information sessions, workshops, job postings and a wide variety of other events are communicated throughout the year on DIGGERecruiting.  “We don’t want students to miss out on any information that would help them in their careers,” said Raymond.  Students can also access other information regarding those companies attending through DIGGERecruiting. “Employers want student and alumni to be well-prepared to meet,” Raymond added.

“Attending the career fair is very advantageous. Through the career fair, I have received numerous offers for summer internships and learned that there were more companies out there in my industry than I knew. A student has a better chance of getting an internship through the career fair than trying without attending it.”
       Brandt Sweet, Montana Tech Sophomore

Students can register online through DIGGERecruiting and find additional information at WWW.MTECH.EDU/CAREER-SERVICES/EMPLOYERS. Please contact the Career Services at 406.496.4140 if there are additional questions.