Little Digger Days Looking for Presenters

The Institute for Educational Opportunities is currently recruiting presenters for our 10th annual “Little Digger Day.” Little Digger Day is an annual event where we invite the 3rd-6th graders from seven elementary schools from Southwest Montana to come to Montana Tech’s Campus from 8am-2pm on Tuesday, April 23rd. I will need to recruit 40+ presenters to host  fun 30 minute fun workshops for these elementary students. Little Digger Day has up to 900 students who attend.  Wal-Mart hosts lunch for all of these students each year.

We are hoping that you or your department can be one of our guest presenters  for Little Digger Day.  If you or your students would be  interested in presenting, and would like more information, or have questions about Little Digger Day, please email or call me at or (406) 496-4691. Feel free to visit our webpage at