Montana Tech's Amy Verlanic Presents at European Access Network's Conference in Oslo, Norway

Amy Verlanic, Executive Director of the Institute for Educational Opportunities at Montana Tech, had her proposal entitled, “Political Advocacy: Best Practices In Influencing Educational Inequalities Through Applied Applications,” accepted for presentation at the European Access Network’s 24th Annual Conference in Oslo, Norway. The conference drew over 150 equity champions from all over Europe’s higher education system. Students, academics, administrators, policy makers, and support workers gathered under the theme “Advocating for access, equity, inclusion and diversity in higher education: Politics, Policies, Power and Persuasion.”  

Verlanic, was one of four Americans on the agenda at the conference which took place June 4-12. Since then, the Journal of US-China Education Review has invited her and her co-author Dr. Ngondi Kamatuka, from the University of Kansas, to publish a manuscript of the presentation.