Counselor Cara DeBolt works to connect students with mental health, community resources

Counselor Cara DeBolt

As Orediggers head back to classes this fall, Montana Tech’s Clinical Counselor Cara DeBolt is hard at work connecting students with the mental health and community resources they need.

DeBolt was hired in March 2024, after a long search for the right on-campus counselor.

“There is a counselor here now,” DeBolt said. “Don’t be intimidated about counseling. I’m just somebody to talk to. It doesn’t have to be clinical, an emergency, crisis, or mental health related. I’m just here to support in any way I can. I have a great sense of humor, and I feel like I’m easy to talk to. I’m here for our students.”

DeBolt’s office is located in the SUB 107A, on the lower level of the Student Union Building, tucked in the far back, past Student Health Services, and near the Food Pantry. She has a warm and inviting waiting area in SUB 107B. She spends a half-day at Highlands College every Tuesday. Many students seek her help with daily anxieties, including social anxieties, issues with relationships and friendship, life transitions, and more. DeBolt also can help students access a number of community resources, whether for mental health or other needs.

“I am a very client-centered counselor,” DeBolt said. “I want students to know that I can be somebody to vent to, and you can come in one time, or you can come weekly depending on what you need or what you want to work on."

DeBolt’s services are free and confidential for Montana Tech and Highlands College students.

“I can’t share with anybody that a student is or is not receiving counseling,” DeBolt said. “Even if a professor refers someone to counseling services, I never have to follow up with that professor. What is said here stays here, unless you are wanting to harm yourself or others, or if someone is harming you.”

Last year DeBolt saw around a dozen students in the short time she was on campus. Her contract runs August 1- May 31. She’s hopeful her caseload will grow this academic year, and she participated in Late Night Breakfast, Orientation, and Registration Rallies to increase student awareness of her services. She’s also planning on having drop-in hours this fall.

In addition to on-campus services, Montana Tech students also have access to Mantra Health. Mantra Health is an online telehealth service that students can access in just a few easy steps. They offer several services ranging from wellness coaching to clinical counseling and 24/7 crisis care. Last year, 193 students signed up for the service, which is about 8.5% of the student population.

Students can reach out to DeBolt to schedule a session at

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