Montana Tech offers new, all-online payment plan for students

Business Services window

Montana Technological University’s Business Office is implementing a new payment plan system this semester designed to make students’ lives easier.

For years Montana Tech students had to physically sign paper forms in-person at the Business Office in order to pay tuition on a payment plan. Students also had to remember the payment schedule.

“It was a lot of manual processing for us,” Director of Business Services Kramer Ungaretti said. “We had a lot of requests for an autopay option.”

The new option, offered through NelNet, allows students to pay 25% by the first day of classes. There are then three more payments, on September 20, October 20, and November 20.

The new plan has four payments instead of three, which gives students more flexibility.

“We definitely get comments from students that they like the payment plan option because it prevents them from taking out a loan,” Ungaretti said.

Interest is not charged on the payment plan, though there is a $35 fee to enroll.

Students will see the new option when they receive their bill. If a student signs up for the payment plan, the system will save the payment information and automatically draft funds on the next deadline. The system also sends a reminder, letting students know that funds are coming out of their account.

“It will definitely make lines shorter at the Business Office because it’s all online,” Ungaretti said.

Anyone with questions about these changes can contact the Business Office at 406-496-4250,, or in person at Student Success Center (SSC) 3.127.

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