Open Educational Resources - Distance Learning
From OER Commons [External link], Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are freely available online for everyone to use, whether you are an instructor, student or self-learner. Examples of OER include: full courses, course modules, syllabi, lectures, homework assignments, quizzes, lab and classroom activities, pedagogical materials, games, simulations, and many more resources contained in digital media collections from around the world.
The following definition of OER has been proposed by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation: [External link]
OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or re-purposing by others. Open educational resources include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge.
Creative Commons [External site] licenses provide an easy way to manage the copyright terms that attach automatically to all creative works under copyright . Our licenses allow those works to be shared and re-used under terms that are flexible and legally sound.
- Carnegie Mellon Open Learning Initiative [External site]
- Curriki [External site]
- edX [External site]
- Foothill College’s Sofia Initiative [External site]
- John Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health OpenCourseWare [External site]
- Khan Academy [External site]
- MIT OpenCourseWare [External site]
- MITx [External site]
- OER Commons [External site]
- Online Education Database [External site]
- Open Education Consortium [External site]
- Open Education Consortium Search Engine [External site]
- Open Yale Courses [External site]
- Public Library of Science [External site]
- Standard Engineering Everywhere [External site]
- Ted Talks [External site]
- The Encyclopedia of Life [External site]
- Tufts OpenCourseWare [External site]
- UK’s OpenLearn Project [External site]
- Utah State OpenCourseWare [External site]
- Wikieducator’s Learning4Content Project [External site]
- Hippocampus [External site]
- Merlot [External site]
- Bookboon [External site]
- California Affordable Learning Solution [External site]
- College Open Textbooks [External site]
- Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources [External site]
- Flat World Knowledge [External site]
- Textbook Revolution [External site]